Best Affordable Cold Plunge Accessory Products

Best Affordable Cold Plunge Accessory Products

There are many products that we have found that work awesome as an accessory product for the Easy Cold Plunge. We will explore some of these in this article and provide links so you can explore them for yourself.

1. Single Person Steam Tent- One of our favorite accessory products for the Easy Cold Plunge is the single person steam tent. This product comes with a steam generator, tent, and chair for the inside of the tent. We love how you can get the benefits of a steam room in the comfort of your home. Having the ability to go to from the cold waters of the plunge to the hot steam of the tent is a game-changer. This method of cold therapy has been utilized for many years across the globe, specifically in the Nordic Countries such as Norway, Sweden, and Finland. In these countries it's very common to go back and forth from the sauna or steam room to cold water. Finland is consistently recognized as being the country with the happiest people, so they must be doing something right! Through our research and testing we discovered a specific steam tent that seems to be the most effective in terms of functionality, with an affordable price tag. Many of the steam tents you see online are more expensive and don't come with the steam generator, which can set you back another $100. Click the link below if you're interested in checking it out. 

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2. Smart Outdoor Wi-Fi Outlet- Another accessory we came across that makes life so much easier is the Smart Outdoor Wi-Fi Outlet. This product allows you to control all your outlets with a convenient app which works off Wi-Fi. So how does this apply to a DIY Cold Plunge? It allows you to set a schedule for all your components to work on, all managed easily through their app. This means you can set the exact time your components will turn on and off throughout the day, without having to doing it manually. Let us tell you, that is a game changer. Manually plugging in your components in every time gets old very quickly! Each one comes with 2 outlets which are capable of handling 15 Amps/ 1800 Watts which means it can handle two high energy- consuming per product. This is very convenient because water chillers are a high wattage item that needs a high Amp/ Wattage rating. These outlets are also waterproof which is ideal as many people keep their DIY cold plunges outside. They also come standard with built-in surge, overload, overheat, and overcurrent protection and Click the link below if you're interested in checking it out.

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3. Wireless Thermometer- Having a thermometer to accurately measure your cold plunge temperatures is vital. It's important to be able to track the temperatures that you're plunging in as you develop your routine and are able to adjust to lower temperatures over time. This thermometer takes it to a whole other level. Not only will it tell you the temperature on the thermometer, but you will also be able to monitor it from another location, such as inside your home. This is possible because the thermometer comes with a remote monitor which displays not only the temperature of your cold plunge, but of the inside temperature as well. It even monitors your indoor humidity. This way you won't have to go to where your cold plunge is and open it up to know what temperature it is. With the Wi-Fi version of this thermometer you can also utilize the app and monitor your temperatures from wherever your are. Combining this with the Smart Wi-Fi plug is a winning combination. You can manage all your important functions remotely via the apps from anywhere. We frequently use these apps to see if we need to run our water chiller to get our plunge down to our ideal temperature. Click the link below if you're interested in checking it out.

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4. Interlocking Foam Mats- Another accessory product that many people enjoy having was interlocking foam mats which are waterproof. These convenient mats add a lot of value to your set-up. Most people keep their set-ups outside or in their garage which means they're likely set up on concrete floors. In order to add some character our set-up, as well as functionality, we put these interlocking mats right up against our Easy Cold Plunge. Now instead of stepping on the dirty concrete floor, we dry off on the waterproof mats, which are exceptionally easy to maintain. They also happen to look great! Our favorite option comes with 8 2'x 2' mats in a variety of colors and designs. The design options we like the best are the black mats or the dark oak design. Click the link below if you're interested in checking it out.

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